We travel through time
When we work together With Jesus the exalted King; There's no problem too big, Let all creation sing... As we work together in prayer. The quality of prayer increases, No more striving; no more chaos; Complex battles become simple victories, Tomorrow becomes as clear and certain as yesterday... When we work together in prayer. Alone the struggle is real, But together the yoke is easy and the burden light; No one alone has all the answers, But together the enemy is put to flight. Alone is hardly ever easy, Together brings a heavenly touch; Reasoning and mental assent fade, Together we accomplish much. What the Father intends to do here is not the work of one man, Instead a chord of three strands will cause many to stand; One stone built upon another, We are all better together... Especially when we work together in prayer.
"Many would say, 'We have no revival fire here.'"
"And I would say unto you, 'Then, you have no prayer here.'" "Because, if there were prayer, then My Spirit would have free course to do whatever I will to do among the people. "Gone are the days of expecting Me to move without sincere, heartfelt time in My presence. "Don't you remember? It is written in My word, 'You have not because you ask not'? "Some would say, 'We need good, old-fashioned repentance.' Others would say, 'We need more faith' or 'We need more intercessors.' "But I would say unto you, 'When is the last time YOU prayed? When is the last time YOU took responsibility for what is lacking among you, in your city, or in your nation?' "Yes, there are many among you who are devoted to prayer, but I will no longer endorse a few carrying the responsibility of many. "Yes, I know your schedule. I can see you have all the time you need to do what you want to do. I see that people make time for what is important to them, but very few make time for what is important to Me. "You have all that is necessary for an effective prayer life. I'm not asking you to devote an hour a day. I am asking you to devote your LIFE to Me. Find a way to squeeze Me into every available moment. "Is it not written: 'Pray without ceasing' (1 Thessalonians 5:17)? "Why not pray in the Spirit in other tongues on your way to work, or when doing menial tasks? "Would you be willing to give up at least one TV program for time in My word? "Put down your phone. "You don't need 5G to talk to Me." Suffer the little children to come unto Me.
For you see, their outlook is simple and their hearts are free. Free to receive, free to speak simple truths that will set captives free. We can learn a lot from a child. Their believing is pure and undefiled. Undefiled by logic; undefiled by reason Their faith is simple and needed in this important season. Some may say, “We have no children here.” And I would say to you, “Go out and get them.” As it is written, “A little child shall lead them.” Without children in your midst, there is no forward progress. Find a way to reach them; find a way to teach them. Let them lead the way, pointing to Christ with simple faith And reaching out to others with purity of heart The road ahead may be bumpy but children like bumpy roads. They delight in how high they will go. (Think of riding in the backseat of the bus) The season has now come to develop their gifts at an early age. Make room for them on your platforms; Don’t be afraid to bring them center stage Guard and protect the gifts in them and you’ll be trusted with much. It starts with obedience to My word and culminates with a heavenly touch. Teach them to remain humble and I will use them in amazing way. Trust their faith. Trust in Me. And the road ahead will yield amazing things. Set your sights on things above, not on earth beneath. Not in programs or pre-prepared presentations But rather fix your eyes for heavenly visitation. Teach the children to flow with My Spirit And never to rely on well-practiced speeches No, they must learn to practice My presence, to hear My heart and obey I will guide them in the way to go and tell them what to say. In the turmoil of a chaotic world, Don’t forget the children. They are the key in this and every season. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are many who would say in this hour, in this day “I don’t know what to say; “I don’t know what to do.” The answer is simple: “Let the Holy Ghost pray through you.” He knows what to say; He knows what to do. And God’s will shall be accomplished simply by Allowing Him to speak through little ‘ole you. Open the gates
Open the gates that the King of Glory may enter in. No longer turned away. He will have entrance into the cities of America. No more to be turned away. A midnight cry is/has gone up And dark forces must now yield to a power greater The name of Jesus on the lips of His saints Open the gates. Open the gates that the King of Glory may enter in. Relentless the Church must be Eyes fixed on the Redeemer & His kingdom. No greater power on earth - the Blood-bought Church - the Redeemed The Relentless Redeemed. Tenacious, fierce, invincible we are in Him In His power in this very hour No more waiting - no more wasted time. Time to shine. Time to pick ourselves up, brush the dust off our feet And stand the ground to be taken It has been said before. I remember hearing a certain man of God proclaim it 30 years ago – that “’93 would be the Year to See.” And it was true. We stood back and watched as God did. It was a year when God showed up and showed off – and that is just what we experienced.
I have always been watchful not to speak of such things glibly or just because I heard someone else say it. But, no, in my heart, I know this phrase to be true for the coming year. There have been many things we have struggled with over the past three years, and this year, 2023 is going to be a breakout year. I believe with all my heart we are going to see God break out in unusual and extraordinary ways. He will show up and show off – and captives are going to be set free – and things are going to change. We may not fully understand what it means: “A Year to See” – but when we come to this time next year, we will ALL know what it means. We will look back and say we saw God do things that no man could possibly take credit for – and all the glory will belong to Him. 2023 will be a time when God is going to make it easy for us. There will be times that a spirit of prayer will descend into our meetings – church meetings – regular everyday stuff... This spirit of prayer will fall, and as in days of old, there will be a strong urge to pray. The Holy Ghost will fall and we will yield to prayer. To the point, everyone in the house will hit the altars or their knees where they stand – to do otherwise would grieve Him. And no one wants to grieve the Holy Spirit. And so we shall – we shall pray – with earnest, heart-felt, Holy Ghost inspired utterances. And tremendous power will be made available, dynamic in its working (James 5:16 AMPC). His part is to descend – to rest upon us. Our part is to obey; to yield and to do! It’s not just prayer that will come easy. There will be many things God is going to make easy for us – for the sake of His kingdom. But we still have a part to play. We will still have to yield and to do. What He says – we should do – without hesitation in instantaneous obedience. We know how to hear from Him. NOW is the time to hear and to DO. To neglect the things we know we’ve heard would be to grieve the Holy Spirit of God. And God would say unto us, just as the Apostle Paul told the church in Ephesus (Ephesians 4:30). From the Message Translation it reads: “And do not make God’s Holy Spirit sad; for the Spirit is God’s mark of ownership on you, a guarantee that the Day will come when God will set you free.” We must hear from Him and obey; hear from Him and take a step. We must walk in obedience to His Spirit. And when we do, HE will show up and show off. And we’ll be so glad we did. If not, we will never know what we did not get to see - if we do not take a step and obey. And when eternity comes, we do not want to look back and say, “I wish I had done what He told me to do.” The time is short and there is no time to waste. There is NO TIME TO WASTE. We MUST hear and obey. And oh, if we will take the steps He shows us to take – oh, the glory that will manifest – and we’ll get to see it! We will get to see it! The days directly ahead will be days we fondly speak of and say, “We got to be there! We got to see it!” Remember is starts with prayer. And WHEN the Holy Spirit sweeps into our services, the FIRST thing we do, is hit our collective knee and yield. Out of those times will come “bumper crops” of harvest. And there will be much cause for rejoicing. If we will yield, we will see the desires of His heart manifest in unique and extraordinary ways in the days just ahead of us. And there will be great cause for rejoicing. Remember on December 21, 2020 the appearance of the intersecting of planets, erroneously labeled by many as the “Christmas Star”? The two planets that brought forth that great illumination in the southwestern sky just above the horizon, were those commonly named “Jupiter” and “Saturn.” I wise mentor taught us well to not include the work of astrologers or mythology in these Godly equations. So, my first inclination was to ask, “What do the Jews call these planets?”
To the Jews who understand the story written in the heavenlies, “Jupiter” is known as “Justice” and “Saturn” is known as “Rest.” As the appearance of this moed approached in December of 2020, I asked the company the Lord has given us to pray into the matter – to see what He might tell us about this moed. As we moved into the realms of glory by His Spirit, the Lord brought us to a beautiful passage in the book of Isaiah. Isaiah 51:4-5 [NKJV] 4 "Listen to Me, My people; And give ear to Me, O My nation: for law will proceed from Me, And I will make My justice rest as a light of the peoples. 5 My righteousness [is] near, My salvation has gone forth, and My arms will judge the peoples; the coastlands will wait upon Me, and on My arm they will trust. We perceived it to be a precious promise that His justice was about to rest in a remarkable way upon our nation (the USA), Israel, and/or perhaps all the earth. The following July, the equation was punctuated with an exclamation mark when the full moon appeared in the southeastern horizon. In our part of the country, the full moon in July is sometimes referred to as the “thunder” moon, as it is the time of year when it thunders more than any other. Amazingly enough, right along with the full moon that night, in a straight horizontal line, right to left they appeared: the full THUNDER moon, Jupiter (JUSTICE) and Saturn (REST). Joel 3:16 [NLT] 16 The LORD's voice will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth will shake. But the LORD will be a refuge for his people, a strong fortress for the people of Israel. Since that time, I’ve preached about these signs across the nation to any congregation that would hear it. Glory to God! Yet now, here we are at another crucial time in the plan of God. And as we begin this great season of harvest – a new shmittah cycle begins and the Lord has marked it with another sign in the heavenlies on this blessed moed… to punctuate, once again, His faithful word to us. On this past Monday night, September 26, Jupiter (JUSTICE) appeared in the eastern sky – closer than it has been to the earth in 59 years; closer than it will be again for the next 107 years. JUSTICE has come near to us. And right next to it, just to the left, was a cluster of stars known as the Pleiades. The Greeks refer to them as the seven sisters. Mythology and astrology aside, we understand the number seven to signify “divine perfection.” And here we see it: God’s divine justice coming to the forefront as we move into this new day and blessed time of harvest. Glory to God. For the sake of the harvest, justice must come! By the mouth of two or three witnesses let it be established. The first witness came in December of 2020, the second in July of 2021, and now the third on this all-important moed (September 26/27, 2022) – the beginning to a new shmittah cycle, marking the time of harvest and God’s promise for His justice to rest for the sake of His people! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Psalm 130:5-6 - 5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope. 6 My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning—Yes, more than those who watch for the morning. (ESV) by Denise L Shaw
From my childhood I struggled with insecurity. Of course, I did not know what it was or understand it until I was well into high school. Even then, I only understood it simply enough to say that I had it. Most of my classmates thought me to be conceited, but it was really just me overcompensating for a deep-seated sense of inferiority. By the time I reached college, I had learned it was a problem and that it was likely something that I would need to manage for the rest of my life. I thought it was just a personality quirk and that nothing could be done about it. I would simply have to live with it. Over the years as an adult I had done a lot of self-examination and thought I knew what had caused it. Yet again there was nothing to be done about it except to manage it, at least so I thought. By the time I was 34 years old I held a Bachelor of Science degree in business management and had also graduated from one of the most prestigious Bible schools in the world. I was married to a wonderful man of God with two beautiful little girls. We had successfully completed a decade of assignments working in supportive roles of ministry. I had personally assisted the leading prophet of the land with his correspondence. We were respected. We were successful, walking in the blessings of God. Now, it was time to embark upon full-time traveling ministry. We moved to our “promised land” to launch out into the deep. After moving to our new home, we selected a church of like-precious faith. It would be our home base for ministry. We had not yet met the pastors, but knew it was the place the Lord had prepared for us. Our first service in that church brought about a permanent, yet unexpected change for me. Upon arriving to the church that night, anxious to meet our new pastors, we were disappointed to learn they were on vacation. There was a guest-minister who would be speaking. I don’t remember what he preached. I can’t even remember his name. Yet, the altar call is forever emblazoned upon my conscience. After preaching his message, the speaker basically demanded every person in the building to come to the altar. I didn’t like it. He was too bossy and brash. He then began a long discourse about “snuggling up to Daddy God” and planting a “big ole, sloppy kiss on His face.” By that point, I had become righteously indignant. How dare he refer to Father God as “Daddy”? How dare he belittle God to such a low estate? I was standing on the edge of angry wondering what in the world we had gotten ourselves into. He just kept it up. “Come on! Just crawl right up in His lap and plant a sloppy kiss on His cheek.” Fuming, I thought, “Why, I never! I never even did that with my own Dad. I would never dream of being so disrespectful to God.” In that moment, the Father stepped in and said, “That’s right, you didn’t. And you’ve been insecure all of your life because of it.” This unexpected moment, this statement completely shocked me! My earthly Dad was a great man and a good father, a hard-worker who provided well for his family. Yet, as the Lord pulled back the curtain, I saw myself standing at the backdoor of my childhood home waiting for Daddy to come home. His truck would pull into the drive. I would jump for joy, “Daddy’s home!” He’d walk in the door, pat me on the head and immediately move toward the basement to take off his work shoes. I remember regularly feeling disappointed: Daddy doesn’t want to play with me. Day after day, week after week, the pattern was set and the enemy of my soul was standing by to amplify my father’s exhaustion as rejection. I was the problem. Something must be wrong with me… Back to the altar service, with such authority the Father said, “You’ve been insecure all your life because of it… I am going to deliver you from it this night. And you will never have to deal with it again!” Then He drew me close. I could hear His heart beating inside His chest. And, just like that (snap), a lifetime of unlovable disappeared. No more insecurity. No more rejection. It was all gone in a flash. And just as He promised, I have never had to deal with it again. When I walked out of the service that night, I didn’t even think the same. My thought patterns were no longer filtered through a lifetime of hurt and rejection. I had had a dramatic encounter with the Lord. In the first moments after being set free, I remember being embarrassed to think of the many previous years of ugly, bad behavior. Fifteen years later sitting with a former co-worker over lunch, she marveled repeatedly about how much I had changed; you don’t even act like the same person. All I could say to her was, “I am not the same person,” “I have changed,” and “God did it.” To this day I hardly ever speak of it because it was such a holy moment. Yet, the time has come. Now here are some simple observations I would like to make:
What set the stage for such a dramatic deliverance? The pastor of the local church – the one we had never met – was in the habit of praying in this manner: He prayed for everyone in the church to have what he termed, love experiences with God. A love experience with God is exactly what delivered and set me free from a lifetime of insecurity. Now that’s what I call a deliverance ministry. In June of 2008, the Word of the Lord came to the prophet (Dr. Billye Brim) saying, ONE THING will save America and it’s NOT the election. It’s an AWAKENING to GOD! ONE THING will save Israel, and it’s NOT the election. It’s an AWAKENING to GOD!
Since that time, MUCH prayer has been offered to this end – a GREAT AWAKENING. Everywhere we turn now there is talk of this – in the church and in the streets. So much prayer has been offered on this issue that it cannot “NOT” happen. It will surely come to pass. We should all understand that America is about experience the greatest awakening it has ever seen. But it is not just an awakening. It is must be an awakening to GOD. In July of this year, the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying, “They are awake! Now they will listen. They are taking off their night clothes and putting on their day clothes.” Romans 13:11-12 - And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Over the years much has been said by many great men and women of God about a great awakening in America. And it is true. But IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO BE AWAKE. It must be an AWAKENING TO GOD. Throughout the Age of Grace, believers have been tasked with prayer for laborers into the harvest (Matthew 9:37-38). This we must still do, but now is not the time to simply pray. NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. Every believer must fill his mouth with prayer, yes, not just for laborers into the harvest. We must also, with every breath we breathe, declare, “HERE AM I LORD, SEND ME!” They are awake! Now, they’ll listen! They will listen! They will listen! And the Lord would say unto you, “Who will declare? Who will declare? Who will declare Me before men?” Does it not say in My Word: For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have now believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?... (Roman 10:13-15a)? Isaiah 60:1-5 - Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee. They are awake. Now they will listen. ~ Here am I, Lord. Send me! ~ Denise L Shaw September 25, 2020 by Denise L Shaw Recently, on a spring cleaning adventure, I had opportunity to clean out my dresser drawers which are filled with as many memories as clothing items – maybe more. Tucked away in the backside of a rarely-used drawer was found a stack of handkerchiefs. I laundered and folded each one, and oh the memories that flooded my soul. My grandmother was born in 1911, 13 years before the invention of “Kleenex.” This means she was raised in a manner that taught young women the finer graces of ladies handkerchiefs. Even though, as an adult, she always had a box of giant Kleenex available in her home, her handbag was always populated with a supply of handkerchiefs. Store-bought Kleenex was considered a luxury on the farm. Very rarely did she use them. In this stack of now-paper-thin sheets of cotton are some of the most beautiful handworks of needlework and embroidery one could possibly imagine. Grandpa’s sister, Great-Aunt Bessie was a master at the old-fashioned art of tatting. And her handiwork graces many of the pieces in the pile. I addressed my grandmother by various titles in my lifetime. When I was very young, she was “Grandma” or “Grandma Kelley.” When I was a teen, we called her “Gram.” When she became a great-grandmother, my mother became “Grandma” and her name changed to “Granny.” But for me, there was only one Grandma. Her name was Lola. She was my father’s mother. My mother’s mother, died three months before my second birthday. I have no memory of her. So Grandma Kelley, Gram, Granny became very dear to me. Why do I share these things? Because if I don’t they will be lost. I want my grandchildren to know that women used to carry handkerchiefs. My Grandma Kelley used them regularly. She washed them in an old ringer-type washer (and before that, on a scrub-board by hand), hung them to dry and then would press them (iron them with an iron) – every last one of them – even my Grandpa’s big red work hankies. No one ever dreamed of a day when pocket packages of “Kleenex” would replace such an important part of every woman’s wardrobe. The type of event determined the type of handkerchief. If it was fancy and hardly ever used, it was probably reserved for use at a wedding, funeral or special church event. If there was no special embroidery on it, perhaps a simple print, it was for everyday use. The fancier the handkerchief, the fancier the woman carrying it or the event she was attending. They were as much a status symbol as they were practical. God forbid that anyone would ever really blow her nose on one. She always kept one in her purse for me, especially if we were going to church. Most of them were simple prints, because I would indeed blow my nose. For really special occasions, she would have one for me with purple violets embroidered upon it. It was too pretty to use. I adored her for making me feel so special as to have one just for me. I will add that on my wedding day in 1988, I carried a handkerchief tucked inside the left cuff of the sleeve of my bridal gown. It had belonged to Grandma Freeman (the one I never knew). And for those who were there, we’ll all remember: I used it! Fear came creeping into my house last night
He thought he’d step in to see if I’d put up a fight But an angel from the Lord stood by, and that was the end of that. Not so much as a cold chill; no need for a scarf or hat. We must always be sensitive to God’s holy touch And never give place to doubt I’m so glad I know Him and His ways His victory is my victory; makes we want to shout These are extraordinary days A gateway to greater things As we wait impatiently in our homes Soon we’ll mount up on eagles’ wings It’s important to take time to rest To linger in His presence and His word Running with the glory is next Eye has not seen nor has ear ever heard I’m overwhelmed at His goodness His joy is the light of my soul To put on Christ and His anointing Is the mantle that makes us bold I’m a new creation, re-created in Him Greater is He that is in Me Greater is He that is my closest and dearest friend. It’s no longer I that lives But the greater one has overtaken that which once was me He has made all things better; His love has set me free It’s a new day Now rejoice and be glad regardless of what you see. It’s a new day From now on, we’ll all need to stay on bended knee. It’s a new day From the winter to the spring we pass It’s a new day The day we all long to see is upon us at last. It’s a new day Corona is finished and done It’s a new day Time for the One and only Son It’s a new day Soon to be followed by a season of harvest It’s a new day No time to waste, His glory will not be harnessed Now is the time for the precious fruit A season for which we have long waited The time of preparation is over No more delays; no more hesitation Awaken |
AuthorDenise Shaw says, "If I had known I was going to be doing so much writing, I would have taken more English in college. Archives
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